*Books, Flowers, Ships*

You guys were so right. The Forgotten Garden is such a good book. I’m really enjoying it and trying to savor the mystery and all the old timeyness and restrain myself from plowing straight through it. I’m glad this author has other books out too, because I know I’ll have to get my hands on those too! It’s the perfect book to read when the gardening is waking up from its slumber. My rose shrubs are coming into full flower now, and I don’t feel bad making a little cutting from them.

Things have been a little quiet around here lately, mostly because I’m working on a couple of commissioned pieces and I don’t like to show those things until they’re safe at home with their owners. I don’t want to ruin their surprise!
I’ve been in a bit of a reflective mood lately as we approach 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. When I was a kid a friend of mine had a large coffee table book full of photos of wreckage and stories about the survivors on that ill-fated trip. She’d invite me over to play Barbies, and I really just wanted to get lost in that book, full of such mystery and strange heartache. I still remember a photo of a fragment of some long-ago little girl’s ceramic doll, there at the bottom of the ocean. It still gives me a shiver to think about.
One thing is for sure though, I will remain firmly on dry land today and try to get some painting done. Thanks for visiting me here today 🙂 let’s both look for a lull in the day when we can curl up with a good book, sound like a good plan?

12 thoughts on “*Books, Flowers, Ships*

  1. sounds like a good plan, we watched anothe rendition of THe Titanic last night, so sad.I can'tr wait to see the new work,


  2. I agree with you that finding some time each day to read is not only useful and fun, but I bet it is healthy too. There is so much to learn and enjoy!!! I am trying to do better but there is not much time after work to do everything I want or need to do.


  3. Winnie– I think finding time to read is very important too! Its probably akin to meditating, gives the brain a way to relax and let go of stress. Books for all!


  4. If you ever travel to Branson, The Titanic museum was very interesting, they even have a replica of the grand staircase. But they didn't allow cameras..bummer.


  5. Hello, It was lovely to find your comment on my blog., thank you. I am going to have a look at your paintings on Etsy, they look so interesting and reflect your love of older times.Hope your garden is looking colourful with springtime.


  6. I read The Forgotten Garden last summer and really enjoyed it. I haven't gotten around to reading the author's other books yet. I've got an 850-page interlibrary loan to get through at the moment. I read every single day (usually before I go to sleep). I can't imagine life without lots of reading!P.S. Hope you have a fantastic weekend! Let's hope we don't get all the tornadoes the weather service is predicting.


  7. I really enjoued The Forgotten Garden too! such a nice book full of English weather. Prr. And I feel just the same way as you about Titanic, that strange heartache. I just found your blog, it's absolutely beautiful! I'll be back! /Anna


  8. I devour books. I have not heard of this one though, so now I'm going to have to pick it up. Thanks for the recommendation, I can always use them.


  9. (didn't mean to publish quite yet) Especially since I just finished The Night Circus and The Fault in Our Stars, and don't know where I want to go from there. Part of me wants to pick up a classic, like The Hobbit, (never read) or a favourite like Northanger Abbey, or something completely new.


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