An Easter Egg Tree

     A few days back I pruned our little peach tree so that it will be ready for another harvest this summer, and I had a great idea. A few months ago when I interviewed Tovah Martin, I was looking through her book “A Time To Blossom” and there was a feature about forcing flowering branches to bloom. 
   As I was picking up the remnants I decided to keep a few back and stick them in a big jar to see how they would do; and lo and behold….they started budding and blooming!

   Just a few days of constant warmth and water and the branches began to burst forth with life in the loveliest little pink blossoms! It seemed pretty perfect for an Easter Egg tree, so I bought a little package of papier mache hanging eggs and the kids put them on the branches. It was a pretty easy project and inexpensive too (All I bought were the eggs) and I believe that the concept works with any blooming tree. So you could have an Easter tree from an apple. pear, dogwood, crab apple, redbud….or even a bouquet of several trees, wouldn’t that be something?

   Another traditional tree to make an Easter Tree out of is the Pussy Willow, although we do love the fun of watching for blooms to opens. I’ve been told if you put a plant hormone in the water of the branches, the peach branches will even take root! Not sure I’ll go that far, but wouldn’t that be a fun Easter project? You could positively grow your own orchard over time! It’s amazing what life can come from such humble beginnings, isn’t it?

   Well, off to start the day and paint!~ 
Thanks for your visit!

5 thoughts on “An Easter Egg Tree

  1. I have never tried forcing branches down here for an Easter Egg Tree because our flowering trees usually are all bloomed out before Easter comes. Yours look so sweet and pretty!! I know the children loved doing it and watching the flowers appear among the darling eggs. These photos in your home are reminiscent of your Easter egg print with the icons in the background. I placed my print of the egg hanging tree beside my little egg tree. Thanks for sharing!


  2. You interviewed Tovah Martin? How interesting! Your blog is new to me and I absolutely love your art work! If I could, I would purchase at least one piece. Sometimes it looks Orthodox and sometimes Catholic, but always wonderful. May I ask if you are one or the other?May God bless your work.


  3. I did indeed! 😀 she is so nice! You can see the interview here\”: I actually attend an Episcopal Church, so I personally follow a more Anglican tradition. But I have dear friends who are both Roman Catholic and Orthodox who often invite me to share in their traditions and I've grown to love them as well! I love learning about faith and traditions 🙂


  4. What a nice interview! Thank you for posting the link. Also, thank you for saying that you love learning about faith and traditions. I thought I was the only one! We read to know we aren't alone. Anyway, I am a Missouri Synod Lutheran with Catholic, Orthodox, and Billy Graham thrown in.


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