Edgar & Alice

Well, here they are, Edgar and Alice. I think they’re a dashing pair, don’t you? Everything can’t be all sweet and spring time all the time, can it? Gotta throw a crow and black dress in there to mix things up ever so often, right?

This was the painting that was on my desk a couple of posts ago when I was still working on it. It’s been a long time since I painted a crow….and I did this one a little differently than I used to, what with it’s wide and curious eye, but I like it. Sure, it’s a lot of black, but it’s not foreboding, right?
I put this painting up on etsy so it can find a new home. Maybe with you?

6 thoughts on “Edgar & Alice

  1. THis turned out so well!! I love the crow addition and I bet somebody on eBay will want this one too!! It makes me wonder if she does Tarot cards in her parlor?


  2. Rachel- I agree! There's no such thing as too many crows :)Lauren- Thank you! Im glad you like her :)WInnie- Perhaps she does? I can just see Alice having some sort of strange habit that she will only share with her darling pet crow!


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