Tasha Tuesday: Autumn in the garden

“Working in the garden in Autumn is delightful, with the clean smell of frost-bitten fern and witch hazel in the air and no insects to bother about. There are always great numbers of bulbs to be put in the ground– over two thousand this fall, counting the lillies.
   The other day I heard the first Canada geese go over as I was planting. Their calls give me such a primordial feeling. And to see a flock of snow geese flying over the white birch trees by the mailbox on a fair day is a sight to take the breath away.”

–Tasha Tudor
by Richard Brown

      For most of us in the northern hemisphere, autumn has come to the garden. In Oklahoma we had a sudden cold turn a few days ago, with morning temperatures dipping into the 30s, and many of my pretty plants felt the nip. The potato vine and basil are getting wilty, and the poor gourd vine seems to be done before it really was begun. But it also a beautiful time in the garden, and one that’s worth savoring.

   I love the Tasha Tudor quote above because in it she really takes the time to relish the changing of the season, to notice the continuous cycle of nature and deepening of the days into a chillier, yet more golden world. I’m sure up in Vermont at Tasha’s place their readying for bulb planting, and I just got an email from the company I bought my bulbs from saying they are ready to ship.

  I hope you are enjoying the changing of the season and the transformation of the world around you. Take some time to breathe it in before it is all gone into winter starkness. Autumn is a beautiful time to enjoy the garden~

Happy Tasha Tuesday,

PS: In other autumn fun, you can see a halloween-inspired interview with me and have a chance to win a free print at Faerie Moon Creations! Stop HERE to enter!

5 thoughts on “Tasha Tuesday: Autumn in the garden

  1. We had our first frost this morning. The grass on the garden didn't stay 'crunchy' for long but it was fun while it lasted, me and my daughter had to walk on it a few times just to get the crunchy feeling ;o)


  2. Alas, we are to have drier days and nights around 59 or 60 for a few days! It is wonderful to think of cooler days here in Florida. I love the look of Tasha's garden with all of the fall colors in the trees and the big stone walls. Is that shaw shown on her the same one that you knitted last winter?


  3. Heather, thanks for the post. I, too, love Tasha and her ideals.Winter in the South is not too harsh but it does bring a change. Autumn is the season I savor, too. I just went past the tomato vines and there are two green ones hanging there. I will pick them today and set them in the kitchen window to ripen.Autumn is a time of renewal for me, not a time of sadness.Spoke with a friend from Vermont yesterday and she said the leaves are already gone, Winter is setting in so bulbs need to be in the ground soon.Love this post.Pam


  4. First, thank you for mentioning your feature. It was a pleasure to showcase you and your work on the blog! 🙂 I am very excited to see the Tasha Tudor museum next week. It is very small, I've learned, but I am sure it will still be so much fun! I think the fall bounty is by far the best – apples, pumpkins, root veggies. All the endless possibilities…not to mention the crisp, clean air and freshness. So inspiring!!! 🙂


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