Tasha Tuesday: Autumn Candles

   It’s a cold and frosty morning here in Oklahoma, probably our chilliest yet of the autumn. It’s the kind of morning where you want lots of hot coffee and pumpkin bread slathered in homemade jam. And pretty books to look at, of course, as you ponder the start of the day.

      I was leafing through Tasha Tudor’s Heirloom Crafts and stopped to sigh over the candle making. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and seems like the perfect project for a crisp autumn day. And when you’re done, you have dozens of sweet smelling little tapers to give you a beautiful glow through months of dark winter evenings.
    I made homemade candles once as kid. It was at Campfire Girls Camp. Sort of like Girl Scouts. We’d romp through the woods during the day and once we put on a play (I was an owl) and we did campy crafts— like candle making, before we went home for the night.
   I remember mine were pink and terribly lumpy. They looked nothing like Tasha’s, that’s for sure. But I was so proud of them and gave them to my mom. 

  I always think I’d like to do things like candle making, but they never come to be. I think its because it’s something that takes such planning. You have to gather your supplies. You have to build your fire, prepare your wicks. It’s so different a mindset, these old fashioned crafts, than what we’re used to today. We’re so used to ‘do it now, this moment’ and instant gratification. 
   Tasha was the queen of taking it slow and enjoying the moment, wasn’t she? I’m going to have to remember this. Perhaps next fall I’ll get to do some candle making. I’ll have to make a plan!

Wishing you a happy Tasha Tuesday….

A quick note-— The Christmas Postcard Pre-Order ends after tomorrow (Wednesday) so please let me know if you’d like to place an order!~

And also don’t forget…..

7 thoughts on “Tasha Tuesday: Autumn Candles

  1. Good morning Heather,I love your Tasha Tuesday's, Heather! Such lovely photos today~I just finished making our candles in October exactly the same way as Tasha made hers~ it does take some doing to get ready, but it is oh so worth it. I know that you would love it~ if only you lived a few miles closer~ that pumpkin bread sure looks good this morning!


  2. Oh it's so true – even in our crafting these days, we want instant gratification! I grumble when I realize that I have to take a trip to the craft store for a particular supply. But how easy we have it these days! Tasha Tudor's life is certainly a role model for us. Hope you get a chance to make those candles some day, Heather. Maybe you can teach Audrey and your little guy when he's older. 🙂


  3. I love Tasha Tuesdays! I made candles once. I've always wanted to do it again, just haven't done it. I would rather do it the old fashioned way like in your Tasha picture than on the stove top. blessings~*~


  4. I am like you, Heather. It looks so fun to make candles but one has to have the right equipment, plan ahead and do it in the right circumstances. I am thinking that won't happen for me anytime soon so I guess I will enjoy purchasing hand made candles when I have the chance!


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