Book: Scandinavian Cooking for Pleasure

       Every time we go to the library, I can’t help but scan the ‘for sale’ shelves, which are full of old books donated to the library to sell for profit. Hardcover books go for a whole dollar, and I’ve brought home some gems— like this book, “Scandinavian Cooking For Pleasure.”
   This book was published in 1970 and was written for a British audience (the preface goes into how different ‘Scandinavian mealtime’ and “British mealtime’ is— ironically Scandinavian mealtimes are very much like American mealtimes— although I could always go for tea!
   The photos are awesomely vintage in that special late 60s/70s vibe, and for someone not used to much sea food, some of the dishes seem very exotic and strange (are those fish in the jell-o mold?)
   I thought you might enjoy a peek at this treasure trove of Scandinavian cuisine….

Danish chervil soup and pancakes

Poached cod. This land-locked Okie has no idea how you’d go about digging into a whole fish with scales and eyeballs and all. Perhaps I’ll learn in New England 😉 

Swedish cream waffles. I LOVE the shape of these!! And of course, the dala horse!

A Danish Christmas Eve dinner table. I swoon over the adorableness! The candles, the flags, the foods…perfection! 

A Danish birthday pretzle and a selection of Danish pastries. Ok, now I’m starving. I admit, I bought this book specifically for this section 😉

Now who wants fika?! I do, I do! 🙂

*Scandinavian Cooking for Pleasure was written by Jytte Hardisty, you can find a used copy via Amazon HERE

15 thoughts on “Book: Scandinavian Cooking for Pleasure

  1. hellos sweet you! happy you found the cat and that lovely photographs!!! what a mystery. maybe you can make a story out of them. I love that kind of old photograph mysteries..always have..even as a child I always looked in my grandmothers photoalbum, very excited over these very fare gone it´s summer still..happily enjoying gardening .not much time in translating thoughlove Lycke


  2. oh boy! i can't wait to see that witchy painting! my garden witch might need company! haha! I have a few old tin types that belonged to my grandfather, but i have no idea who they are. i'm sure they are relatives somehow, but no one is left that i could ask. it always makes me sad to see old photos that have lost their families – but happy that someone appreciates them.blessings~*~


  3. Nice that your husband gave you the pictures. In a way they have been rescued and you can now give them new life via inspiration in your lovely paintings.


  4. I spy a very cool painting in the makes. I am thankful that the super hot humid weather has broken here. Happy to have cooler nights and less frizzy hair issues! Those tin type photos are interesting. Wonder what their stories could be…


  5. In just a few weeks, I am going to get the opportunity to try the Norwegian cuisine first hand, which is quite exciting!! However, I already know from other people telling me that there will be lots of fish in sauces at meals. Herring is what I was told. Herring? I think it only lives in cold water so , of course, we don't have it here in the South. Fish is sauces?? Hmmmm, I think I am going to be eating the Norwegian version of Swedish waffles and Danish pretzels!! LOL!


  6. dear dear Heather!!! I´m so happy for you and your family. what wonderful news and I really hope everything is lovely today. this Sunday in August. just woke up here..sleeping in a bit:) have not write at my blog for a while as a lot going on all the time. but now I climbed over the step again. love the cookbook too and as always I am happy you like all things scandinavian. it´s so special reading and looking at everything you are showing from a different point of wiew than one see it everyday you know ..(smiles)and hugs, Lycke


  7. Interesting stuff here. I always like to learn about the cuisine of different cultures. I LOVE fish, but I don't think I'd be happy digging in while those fishy eyes are staring back at me. 🙂 Those pancakes look yummy, though!


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